Jan 20, 2010

Life, as I know it.

(Angela's Post)
As much as I would like to say I have lived life without regrets, it's not true. Actually, I probably have just about a hundred and some regrets that have occurred in my 20 (almost 21!) years of life. Sometimes .. actually, a lot of times, I dream about what might have been or what may be if only I had done such and such, or said such and so. Just now (when I should be studying for my 'clinical neuropsychology' class), I was zoning out into my kind of distant past. And I realized, I spend a lot of time thinking about the past and doing a lot of wishful thinking. Instead of trying to go back to change things, maybe I can start from here. Right now. Say sorry to the people that deserve it, say thank you to those I did not thank, and tell certain people the stuffs I had always wanted to say (but didn't dare to say it). Come tomorrow, however, I'll be so swamped with school and work that I'll have to live another day in regret. But wish me lucky anyway, dear reader.


P.S. I'm going to try to stop hating San Diego and missing Los Angeles. I only have a 1.5 years left in this beautiful city and only now have I started to appreciate beachside living and a somewhat independence. What a shame.

my San Diego backyard. and my ugly feet.

1 comment:

Me said...

that looks NOTHING like the backyard i saw. no where close at all. i wanna go backkkkkkkkkkkk, back to the beginninggggggggggg, back to when the blah blah blah blah were all alligneddddddddddddd