Jul 20, 2008

Eastern Skies

Well, my dear nonexistent readers, it seems as though I have been given the opportunity to fly across the world to explore Hong Kong with my boyfriend and his cousins. This means, my food list will have to be cut short and perhaps edited -- probably just pushed back. I sure am disappointed but not really since I haven't even been keeping up with my fooding. So, I'm more disappointed in myself than anything. But, I will be dropping nearly $2K on this trip, and I do not think I should be asking my parents for money to eat out when I come back. No siree. However, I am going to be flexible about this. I will blog about my food adventures in Hong Kong. Of course, I will not be able to update as I go and I will run mostly off of memory from 3 weeks of jam-packed shopping/eating action. I can't say how far my literature can take us but pictures are worth a thousand words. SO, my departure is on August 1 for tres weeks. Bon voyage!

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